13 (Fri)-27 (Fri) July 2018 Exhibition

Padmini Chettur: The Rigorous Practice of FreedomPadmini Chettur

“The body is the only archive of the physical memories of dance”, states Padmini Chettur in one of her writings. In this exhibition, various archives are displayed, not to replace the experience of watching Padmini’s performances live, but to serve in tracing the trajectory of a choreographic body over two decades. It is a trajectory that places the body at the centre, sometimes putting an emphasis on its relations to time; at other times it ventures to carve out a distinct spatial configuration that highlights the body’s centrality. At its core, the question once asked by Chandralekha – for whom Padmini danced for ten years – becomes the constant guiding light: where does the body begin, and where does it end?

Performance Schedule

13 (Fri)-27 (Fri) July 2018
Artist touring 16 July at 16:00


